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Common Training Principles That You Should Know

There are training principles that you should be aware of, if you want to optimize results and accelerate your overall training progress. You should know how to properly apply correct principles, so you will be able to make various informed decisions. The first principle that you should consider is adaptability. It means that your body will adapt depending on the type of physical training that you perform. How you train your body determines what you will get. You should know how to properly design your fitness training program. The overall goal is to properly improve your fitness level. In this case, you really need to have a well rounded program that can build your overall body strength and endurance. As an example, if you want to build your biceps, it is important that you use proper weights during bicep curl training and other related exercises.

You should also implement the principle of overload, which means that you need to progressively increase the load of your training, so your body will be able to adapt. You need to give your body an opportunity to grow, depending on your training regimen. Through gradual and systematic increase of work load, you should be able to achieve the desired improvement. The generally accepted rule is that the intensity of the physical training shouldn’t increase by more than 10 percent each week. It means that you need to quantify your physical activity based on weight loads, distance, time and pace. You should increase your training load, once your maximum performance has been achieved.

The principle of recovery means that your body should have enough rest between physical activities. You need to have enough time to recuperate. The duration and quality of your resting period depends on the intensity of training program, diet, level of fitness and other factors. As an example, you need to perform a total of three complete body weight workouts each week, so you have at least 36 hours of rest each week. Lack of rest will result in overtraining, which increases the possibility of injury with minimal signs of growth and progress.

You should be aware of the principle of reversibility, which means that you will lose progress in terms of fitness due to stoppages in training. If the rest period is long enough, it is possible that you will return to the pre-training condition. In the fitness situation, you will lose if you don’t use it. In this case, you need to have adequate recovery time and it is important that you avoid taking long breaks to avoid the de-training effect. In fact, the lost of performance can be noticed after a couple of weeks of lack of training. After 8 weeks of complete rest, you will lose 10 percent strength, but up to 40 percent of endurance. Although the principle of reversibility has much less effect on skills, your overall performance will degrade significantly. Coordination will be stored permanently in motor memory and once a skill has been learnt, it will never be forgotten.