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How To Improve Employee Satisfaction!

Making employee satisfaction as high as possible is so important, as employees are no longer standing for the bare minimum. You need to really think about what you can do to make your employees as happy as possible at work, with a combination of things that help to make them happier outside of work as well as within their job. Invest in these changes and you will help to retain great employees! 

Have Regular One on One Meetings

The first thing you should do to improve employee satisfaction is to have regular one on one meetings with your employees. This provides an opportunity to speak to them about how they are feeling, how they are coping with their workload, if there is anything else they need at work and you can also discuss their path for progression. Doing this in a one on one situation helps to make employees feel more comfortable talking about any concerns they might have and also to highlight where there can be improvements. This is a small amount of time that you need to dedicate in order to significantly improve employee satisfaction. The most important thing to note is that people are heard without judgement and that you really take what they have to say on-board. 

Allow Flexible Working

Another thing that you should do to improve employee satisfaction is to allow flexible working. Enabling people to work from home when they need to or to work flexible hours will probably not make much difference to you, but it can make a whole world of difference for your employees! The great way to do this is to have  set working hours where everyone needs to be working, perhaps 10am-2pm, so that if they need to communicate with anyone, they can at that time. You should then also have a day where everyone is in the office (let employees vote on the best day), so you can maintain that office buzz which can be great for employee satisfaction. Of course, you need to make sure that this isn’t impacting productivity, but often if you put your trust in employees and give them space, they won’t let you down. 

Go Above and Beyond With Your Benefits

Last but not least, you should go above and beyond with your benefits. You shouldn’t just do the bare minimum for employees, but offer different things that show you really care about their wellbeing. Perhaps you could put some budget towards paying for part of their hobby each month, which could be a sports club, gym membership, pottery class or cooking class. A happy employee with a good work life balance will be more productive at work! You could also think about ways to make their day to day routine easier, for example you could subsidise their transport by contributing to train tickets or their Oxford Street London parking, which shows you want to make their life as easy as possible! All of these things will add up to improve their employee satisfaction.