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How to Plan a Superman Themed Halloween Party?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane or is it the most amazing superman themed Halloween 2018 party you’ve ever seen? October is just around the corner and the Halloween Jack-o-lanterns are ready to be carved which means that there’s going to be a party and a Halloween themed party is what everyone’s looking forward to. A bright and fun Superman-inspired theme will get your party rolling and if you’re still wondering how to get it done in time, keep scrolling:

A Futuristic Superman Costume

With some Man Of Steel pajamas to Superman Justice League socks and a nice old Superman Logo T-Shirt from The League of Geeks, the party’s going be pretty fantastic. We’ve all done the fake muscle, full costume, and cape thing when we were kids but it’s time the party got a little more laid back and comfortable. To all those who hate dressing up or rushing to the store to get the last costume pieces, here’s a fun quick tip, have a superman pajama party! It might sound a little silly but it’s actually quite fun, the only catch is that your pajamas and the shirts you wear HAVE to be solely from the Superman universe and nothing else.

Comic Cones

It’s a party and you HAVE to have food. Pass around Cheetos and chips in cones made up of comic book papers from the Superman universe. You don’t have to tear up actual comic book papers, just get them photocopied! Read the interesting dialogues and fight scenes as you reenact them, munching on your favorite snacks.

Neon Lights and Music

No matter how much good food you have at your party or how many guests show up, it’s really important for you to set up the mood which can be achieved through red, blue and green colored lights. The lights help make a perfect atmosphere for a superhero themed party which can be perfected with fake smoke or some intense Superman music.

Kryptonite Snacks and Themed Food

Now for Kryptonite themed snacks! The Green, Red, Yellow, Blue and White Kryptonite have been a huge deal in all the Superman Comic Books. Layout snacks and candies in the same color and shapes of the kryptonite. On Halloween, stores are filled with sour green kryptonite candy that your guests would love munching on.

You can also place blue red and yellow colored macaroons, cakes, and brownies to really kick-start the party. For a drink, blue or red colored punch would do a perfect job. You can also fill a huge bowl of colored m&m’s, after all it’s all about the theme and when it comes to food, there’s a huge variety of colored edibles that you can put at the table. Superman cake and cookies made by a professional can be just what you need.

You can place different anecdotes and dialogues from the comic on the food itself just to make it all look interesting.

Photo Booth

No party is complete without a photo booth to capture the memories perfectly. Set up a photo booth with different props like cutouts of Superman and Lois lane or Superman and all the villains. Cut out the place to fit your face in through the cardboard cut out and enjoy! Make sure the lighting at the photo booth is good enough for you to get perfect pictures to savor the night forever.

Other Party Supplies

Superman posters, wall decals, pillowcase capes, colored confetti, and themed balloons can really help you decorate the room better. For a Superman party, the three colors you need to work around are red, blue and yellow so anything from food, hangings to straws cane really pump things up.